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PhD, Full professor Tilburg University - Vrije Universiteit Brussels
Dave De ruysscher
Tilburg University
Young Academy of Europe
Jonge Academie
about me

Dave De ruysscher (1978) (MA, LLM, PhD) is legal historian and lawyer. He researches in themes regarding the history of commercial and private law until the present day. The focus of his research has thus far been on early modern commercial law, in particular on bills of exchange, partnership and bankruptcy, and also on contract law of that period (assignment, capacity to contract). He has written five substantial books, and several peer-reviewed articles and book chapters in English, French, Dutch and Spanish. Dave De ruysscher is currently working at the Department of Public Law, Jurisprudence and Legal History at Tilburg University and at the Department of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels. He is member of the Jonge Academie (Young Academy of Flanders) and the Young Academy of Europe. In 2016, Dave De ruysscher was awarded an ERC Starting Grant. In 2022, he obtained an ERC Consolidator Grant. Dave De ruysscher teaches Global Legal History, Legal Research Methods and History of Private Law.

My Books

Naar het Romeins recht alsmede den stiel mercantiel. Handel en recht in de Antwerpse rechtbank (16de-17de eeuw)

Westers recht in ontwikkeling: privaat- en publiekrecht van Rome tot vandaag

Gedisciplineerde vrijheid: een geschiedenis van het handels- en economisch recht

Relaties en risico's. Economisch privaatrecht vroeger en vandaag

DP2 kaft Noordzeehandel.jpg

Noordzeehandel en middeleeuws Vlaanderen, ca. 1000-ca. 1300

edited volumes

  • D. De ruysscher, P. De Hert and M. De Metsenaere (eds.), Een leven van inzet. Liber amicorum Michel Magits, Mechelen, Kluwer, 2012, lii + 742 p. (ISBN 978-90-46-54718-2).

  • De ruysscher, D. (ed.), Rechtspreken en lekenparticipatie: noodzaak of traditie?, Antwerp, Maklu, 2013, 238 p. (ISBN 978-90-46-60586-8).

  • De ruysscher, D. and Alofs, E. (eds.), Het nieuw samengesteld gezin: recht en geschiedenis. Blended families: law and history, Antwerp, Maklu, 2014, 188 p. (ISBN 978-90-466-0606-3). 

  • De ruysscher, D., Cappelle, K., Colette, M., Deseure, B. and Van Assche, G. (eds.), Rechtsgeschiedenis op nieuwe wegen. Legal history, moving in new directions, Antwerpen, Maklu, 2015, 433 p. (ISBN 978-90-46-60758-9).

  • De ruysscher, D., Cordes, A., Dauchy, S. and Pihlajamäki, H. (eds.), The Company in Law and Practice: Did Size Matter? (Middle Ages-Nineteenth Century), Leiden, Brill, 2017, 223 p (ISBN 978-90-04-34849-3).

  • Pihlajamäki, H., Cordes, A., Dauchy, S. and De ruysscher, D. (eds.), Understanding the Sources of Early Modern and Modern Commercial Law: Courts, Statutes, Contracts and Legal Scholarship, Leiden, Brill, 2018 (ISBN 978-90-04-36045-7).

  • Gialdroni, S., Cordes, A., Dauchy, S., De ruysscher, D., and Pihlajamäki, H (eds.) Migrating words, migrating merchants: migrating law. Trading routes and the development of commercial law, (Studies in the History of Private Law), Leiden, Brill, 2019, (ISBN 978-90-04-41664-2).

  • Dauchy, S., Pihlajamäki, H., Cordes, A. and De ruysscher, D. (eds.), Colonial Adventures : Commercial Law and Practice in the Making, (Studies in the History of Private Law), Leiden, Brill, 2020, (ISBN 978-90-04-44307-5).

  • De ruysscher, D., A. Cordes, S. Dauchy, S. Gialdroni, and H. Pihlajamäki (ed.), Commerce, Citizenship, and Identity in Legal History, Leiden, Brill, 2021, (ISBN 978-90-04-47285-3).


General reviews of my work can be found in:

  • W. Druwé, "Belgische rechtshistorische Literatur seit 2004. Ein Überblick", Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte 41 (2019), 121-134, at 125.

My Books
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